Session 2
Practicing Yoga and Meditation
This class is a gentle, therapeutic approach to yoga designed less for exercise and flexibility, and targeted more for emotional stability and liberation. Our body holds emotion and trauma, especially during difficult times of loss. This program utilizes gentle movement, breathing, and mindfulness to help us learn to cope and to allow us to recognize our grief as a transformative tool for self healing and self care.
What you will need:
Yoga Mat
2 Thick Blankets, or 3 Large Towels
A Strap ( this could be a belt, scarf, rope or anything similar )
A Quiet Space at Home to Enjoy your Healing Journey
All webinars are free of charge, but you must be registered to attend. You may register for a single webinar or for the whole series. To register, please send an email to
For more information on yoga classes at this studio both virtual and in-person, please visit